søndag 6. september 2009


I am apparently guilty of abusing the GL_PROJECTION matrix.


When starting the project I decided to spend as little energy on learning OpenGL as possible, making due with what I already knew. As it turns out, I had a lot I needed to learn anyway and during the course of this project I have learned:

  1. Not to use P-buffers (this was quick)
  2. To use framebuffer objects
  3. To use floating point textures for higher dynamic range
  4. Ways to bend GL_BLEND to do my bidding

When combining 2. and 3. in that list it turns out that there are some strange, hard to debug, hidden requirements.

I think the descision to make due with what I knew about OpenGL combined with the requirement to use floating point textures and framebuffer objects makes for a rather unfashionable combination of old OpenGL-code, which I learned at university and earlier, and recently out-dated extensions to OpenGL. In short, I think a lot of my OpenGL-code can make seasoned graphics developers cry.

What will I do?

I might actually take Steve Baker's advice on how to use the GL_PROJECTION matrix, because it really does make sense. However, I am not about to embark on a conversion to using only the appreciated (non-depreceated) subset of OpenGL 3.1 or anything of that magnitude. For the time being, the goal is to get the project done.

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